Thursday, May 30, 2013's the "IN" thing in our home

Now days, even as a not so young chick and mother of 4 it is hard to find summer clothes that are modest. Shorts and skirt hemlines are high and shirts are cut so low that I feel a cami under them is a must at all times. And OH ME OH MY.....don't even get me started on swimwear!!! I actually read an amazing article this morning in reference to that very subject. Modesty is a subject that has been weighing very heavily on my heart these past few months. So I will share my heart today and what's been on it. Recently we went on a Band Trip as parent chaperones, and I found myself not looking around at what all of our band kiddos were wearing, but rather what the other moms in the park were wearing. It then occurred to me that the way our up and coming generation dresses is because they are not being taught the value of modesty. Now don't get me wrong, we like to look SUPER CUTE in our home. Trend is a big thing, but following the trend of skimpiness is not a thing in our home. Teaching my little ladies the value and worth of their bodies the way Christ looks at us is far greater my concern at this very stage in our home than what is trending in the fashion world. As Grace is growing older and maturing these topics have been at the forefront in our home recently. Teaching her daily about self confidence and self worth has been a challenge, because quite frankly I struggled for many years in these two areas. It hasn't been til about 3 years ago that I have had the confidence to receive someone telling me that I am pretty. These feelings of self doubt, and self corruption are not things I want my beautiful little ladies to grow up feeling. I want for them to stand tall and know that from the inside out they are beautiful in God's image. He made them with every detail in mind before he even began knitting them together in my womb. That right there is enough for me to know that modesty is what he prefers for all of princesses in his Kingdom. I'll give you my 3 reasons for why I am personally modest :) 1. Biblically we should be modest. That doesn't mean wear a dress from your neck to your ankles, ladies. That's definitely NOT what I am saying. But we have a saying in our home that Boobies and Booties should never be showing :) One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible in 1 Peter 3:3-4 "Do not let your beauty be that outward adorning of arranging the hair, of wearing gold, or of putting on fine apparel. But let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." This is exactly what I want people to see when they look at me or my little ladies. That quiet, gentle spirit that is oh, so precious to God in his sight. That right there quiets my soul when I think about it. What am I teaching my girls daily. When they look at me do they see that exact display. I can answer, because although it hasn't always been true they see it daily now. They comment quite often when I let that negative attitude creep up on me and I begin tearing myself down. They make comments such as Mom, your beautiful. Mom, look how skinny you are. Mom.......and so on and so forth. I don't need to look to the world thru my un-modest clothing choices to build me up. Because I have spent 11 years building up my ladies, they have been trained at looking from the inside out at beauty within a person. 2. My number two reason for dressing modestly is my sweet Blue Eyes. I am his completely, and when I say completely, I mean completely. I respect him enough that if he tells me something needs a cami or is too short or too low or doesn't cover enough that I will not wear it. It's not a matter of being submissive to him but rather being respectful that I am not on parade for other men, that I am his 100%. In his words, He still likes those sweet elements of surprise. There are some life lessons he is teaching our two boys thru that as well. 3. My little ladies are my last reason for teaching modesty and being a modest woman myself. I want them to feel loved for them, not because they look super cute in a bathing suit or short, shorts. I want their beauty to radiate from so deep within them so that when people look at them they see a love that is wrapped in God's love. Not a masked love, but a true love. They don't have to conform to the worldly fashion trends that are set by Hollywood, but rather set their own examples and trends in the circles they run in because girls want to have what they have. Not materialistically but in a spiritual realm. Knowing just how strong they are in their confidence that nothing or no one will knock them down. My heart is so full this morning thinking of all the ways to teach this young generation about the importance of modesty. It goes so deep and can spiral out of control so quickly. But ultimately its us, as moms that teach our little ladies daily the great importance of modesty as well as leading by example.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Confessions of a College Student

Confession for the day.....I struggle, and let's be real, I struggle daily. I'm 34 a full time mom, a full time college student and I stuggle with the fact of whether or not I will ever be good enough. A good enough mom, a good enough wife, a good enough student, a good enough housekeeper, good enough friend to those around me, pretty enough, or skinny enough. I just don't give myself enough credit if you want to be honest. Most people don't see this side of me, because I don't show it. But today I am letting down that veil and showing that even the most "put together" people have their struggles too. Sitting in class yesterday, of course we are doing some group work for an in class assignment, in my head I know the answer, but to shout it out or to even write it down is mortifying to me. As I was walking thru the problem with my accounting professor she stopped me dead in my tracks and said one of the most profound things I needed to hear, "don't doubt yourself, you never give yourself enough credit Melissa. Just go with your gut, you always have it right." Then today in Macroeconomics my professor again said the same thing, I doubt myself when I know the right answer. Geez have they been living in my head these past few weeks? It clicked right then and there. I don't give myself enough credit. I know I'm a complete perfectionist, and I struggle with that particular area of my life, just ask my poor, but seeing myself in the light that God created me to be is sometimes really hard. NOBODY is perfect, and I must remember that daily. He created me to be this amazing woman full of laughter, smiles and love. And I really am trying to see this daily in every area of my life. If I can brighten one person's life each day with my smile or my laugh or the love I can give to them, then my job is full-filled for the day. It really isn't that hard, is it?!?! lol Hey on a very positive note I'm a full time mom/college student pulling a 4.0!!!! NOW that's something to be proud of :) I'll leave you on that particular note......

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Time is flying and new seasons are blossoming in our home

I can't believe just 3 mos ago we were celebrating a new year. Doesn't even seem possible does it. Time just seems to be flying these days. I guess the saying rings true "Time flies when you're having fun" or rather when you are super busy with 4 kids and a full time student again. Ohhhhhhh, that's right, I'm a student again :) Yes, we have entered into a new season in our home. Momma is back in college full-time. Although I was completely scared at first and a bit fearful, I was reminded that nothing from the Lord should involve fear. And since we had been praying about what I was going to do career wise, I had to believe that I was walking in faith. Today, I truly believe that. I am more at peace in my life than I have been in a very long time. The support of my precious family has been amazing. Never complaining because things are not perfect right now in our home. Because let's face it, if you know me very well, you know I have a little OCD issue with my home. Just one more thing I have had to let go of. Dusting and mopping can wait, as long as dinner, the dishes, the laundry is done and the bathrooms are clean, we're good. And let's not leave out those couple of amazing friends that lift me up on a daily basis. When you are 34 and going back to school, its good to have peers standing in your corner cheering you on!!! Nothing feels better :) So here I am, entering a brand new season of life. One that my kiddos will be proud to watch me finish this next year. I can tell you this from experience right now, NONE of my kiddos will be married off til they finish college, and that's an order!!! lol Seriously though, I'm on an amazing journey, meeting some fantastic new people. Everything is falling into place as it should when it is the perfect timing. I think God just wanted me to focus on what was most important for a few years and that was our kiddos. And quite honestly I was perfectly fine with that, but now its time to get to work and finish what I started 15 years ago. I'll leave you with a quote from one of my favorite people. "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney Something I believe everyday in my heart!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

To My Blue Eyes! Where has the time gone.......15 years and counting!

In my marriage devotional yesterday one of the activities they suggested doing was reflecting back to your courtship or dating time with your spouse and writing down one of your favorite memories during that time. When thinking back, there are so many that come to mind. But probably my favorite was the first time we kissed. It makes me think of the Brad Paisley song "Then". Standing there it took you 3 whole weeks to kiss me, but you knew from the beginning I was the one you loved and wanted to spend forever with. God had laid it on our hearts early on that he made us for each other and there was nothing that was going to break us apart. Reflecting on that special moment still brings back the butterflies I had in my belly and the sweaty palms as we kissed for the very first time. It would be the last first kiss we would ever experience and one that was well worth the 3 week wait. I didn't really realize at that moment the journey God was going to take us on. 15 years....WOW is all I can say!!! What our love has endured has been priceless. Job loss, the economy, suffering 5 miscarriages, 3 pregnancies on bedrest, the loss of both of our dear friends in a 3 month period of time and having to start completely over after 9/11 has made our love grow stronger than it ever could of. It has made us lean on each other daily for strength. You have been my rock, standing tall when I couldn't stand any longer. When all I wanted to do was cry, you were there to tell me it was going to be alright, and better days were ahead. You're heart is bigger than the world itself and you are so unselfish. Always putting me and the babies first before your needs. For that I am ever grateful :) Words could never express how my heart truly feels. 15 years is quite a accomplishment. Our love is truly a fairy tale, my mom reminded me not so long ago. We have something so special, that others, see it from afar. The times that I've wanted to throw in the towel (and let's face it, we all have at one time or another) and call it quits, you have gently reminded me why you love me. And it makes me realize that I am not a quitter, I am a fighter, and I will continue to fight for our love in the best of times and in the worst of times. You have become an amazing father to our 4 beautiful children, I wish every girl were as lucky as me to have a hands on dad for their kiddos. You spell LOVE with TIME with our little ones, and God will continue to bless you because of it. Your example of love to our children is something I always prayed for. Thank you for always loving them and me unconditionally :)It makes our world go 'round, YOU make our world go 'round. As we continue on this journey called life, I pray that we continue to grow as one together. You are my Uh-MAZING, my beat in my heart, my stars in my sky and the love I feel from my head all the way down to my toes. And YES, I still get that nervous feeling every once in awhile when you touch my hand or brush my hair back. Just tells me I Love you still as much today as I did 15 yrs ago when I said "I do." I love you....YOU, my love, are my everything! Happy 15th Anniversary, babe :)

Friday, December 31, 2010


Can you believe 2010 is almost over?!?!?! It seems like yesterday we were making plans to ring in the 2010 new year. 2010 has definitely had some hills and valleys for our family, but nothing we couldn't conquer with God on our side. Each seems each of those valleys had something to teach us as we went thru them.
I am so excited with 2011 upon us! So many goals to set and accomplish as well as a new life to look forward to. I hope I can continue to be a light to those women around me as I continue to work toward the dream God has given me. I pray each of you are dreaming as well and letting God direct that dream in the facet he has for you and your life.
May each of you have a prosperous New Year :)
Jas and Melissa

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas......and the end of the year is upon us!

As I sit year reflecting on what all we have accomplished this year as a family, it astonishes me. We have so many blessings to be thankful for! We have a beautiful home God has given us, 4 very healthy beautiful children, 2 cars that run like new, family that love us beyond what we could ever imagine, friends that are amazing, and a love for each other that still burns so deep. I can't imagine a life without Jesus in our home. As I think about this amazing season of the year, I am so thankful for his love in mine and my family's life.
As we close out the year with BIG goals I am reminded of the love that surrounds me. Its the support of my family, friends and my many wonderful customers that keep me moving in the direction God has planted in my heart. I have such a desire to change the lives of women around me.
I will close by saying each and every one of you are loved so much by us. We love having you apart of our life and apart of this amazing journey God has us on.
Be blessed this Holiday season and remember it's not about the gifts we receive, but about the gift that was given to us 2000 years ago.
Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year for you and yours,
Love, The Whitmore's

Friday, November 5, 2010

Paci Fairy has come!

So yesterday while sorting through all the clothes to change them out for the season, Isabella declared she was paci free. SO she went and collected what we thought was all her paci's and preceded to throw all of them in the trash. Right before we left to go run some errands she came out of her room with a paci in her mouth. He explanation was she would keep just one. So we let her keep that one paci until she went to bed and then took all the rest we could find and got rid of them. She had a pretty good night, only getting up once to ask for it. This morning though was a completely different story. She cried for about 20 minutes asking for it. We explained that the paci fairy had come and collected all of her paci's while she slept. I think if I can keep her mind off of it today it will be a good day. At least we know that when we head to Disney world this next fall she will be broken of it and we won't have to search the parks for lost paci's......LOL